The GIANCARLO PEREGO SPA is a mould manufacturer for glass industry. With more than 50 years of history, the Company is today the biggest Italian producer of Moulds and accessories for the glass industry.
Mr. Perego began his career as technician in IVISC, a company producing glass tableware and bottles. He was the one projecting articles and drawing mould to produce glass containers; at that time he had the vision to start a new business , founding in the ground floor of his family house his first company named ALPE.

Very soon the basement of his house became too small and Mr. Giancarlo Perego felt that it was time for a further and significant step. In 1964 the GIANARLO PEREGO SPA was created and his headquarter established in Via Marchesina, 58 in Trezzano S/N, where still today the company has its main production plant. In 1980, thanks also to the good results obtained with th export, the first enlargment of the plant was done, reaching a surface of more or less 5000 sqm.Thanks to the increase of demand in 2000 the company built up a new plant near the exixting one reaching 10000 sqm.

In 2001, recognizing its weakness in terms of accessories offered to the market, in order to fill the gap, the GIANCARLO PEREGO SPA drove its expansion acquiring 85% of the Croatian company SPJ – Spijliak D.O.O.
In 2011 was completely built the new Croatian plant allowing the GIANCARLO PEREGO GROUP to reach 15000sqm and a further enlargment of this site is now under evaluation of the board of the company.